Monday, December 18, 2006

Are you ready for Christmas?

Isn't it funny how, when you're a kid, Christmas takes forever to arrive, but when you're an adult, it just pops up so fast? Yikes. Lucky for me, I actually got most of my Christmas shopping done early this year. (While in FL for Thanksgiving, I bought gifts for all the FL relations and left them, gift bagged and tagged, at the correct houses.) I have to wrap all of ds's presents, and I still need to buy my dh's gift.

But every year, I have great intentions of spending hours just listening to Christmas music and doing crafts, and it seems like the last time that actually happened in any great quantity was in about 1999. Sigh. Hopefully this week, we can get the house neatened up, turn on the carols, and snuggle up with "Two from Galilee".

How about you?


J-Lynn said...

That bunny is SOOO sweet!!!

Heather said...

Love the Oreo picture.

I for one, am not quite ready for Christmas this year, but grace will be sufficient.
