Tuesday, December 12, 2006

You Can't Go Home Again

We traveled back to central Florida to visit our families for Thanksgiving. Although we still hope and plan to move back to the Orlando area someday, we have really come to prefer AZ for climate and geography. Florida has humidity, and huge mosquitoes! And it's depressingly flat.

It was our first time returning to our beloved home church in 16 months. So much has changed! Our son's friends all looked so grown-up, the teenagers are now beard-sporting young men, some people have gotten engaged or married, or had babies since we last visited. Many new faces surrounded us.

Some of the changes were especially hard to deal with. The chief musician was let go for financial reasons, just couple of months ago. We were shocked, since music is a high priority there. The budget struggles must be significant. The senior pastor left (we were aware) to plant a new church. He leaves a great hole. A friend shared her recent diagnosis with a serious illness, and told me how her daughter is struggling. And saddest of all, a woman from our church had committed suicide. It grieves me to know how much our church family has suffered.

God never changes, and He is faithful to His people. It is so hard to see that sometimes, when everything else keeps changing!

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