Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Aren't they sweet?

The foster bunnies are here. They are active and curious, but still like a good snuggle. Oreo likes them, it seems, and hops around playing with them some. I took some photos, but they don't stay still much, so they're hard to photograph.

This is Lucy.

This is Sally.

And this is Charlie Brown.


my5wolfcubs said...

They are adorable!! My favorite is Sally because my daughter had a rabbit that looked a lot like her named Sprinkles!
Can I put in a formal request for more bunny pictures? :)

Lee, sadly pet-less
(from the WTM board)

Lisa~ said...

I like Sally... how cute... I want to hold one now!

I like her because of her brown coloring....

So glad to get to look at your blog! Its been fun having everyone share...

LisaWA wtm board

Noah Fett said...

I am the offical assistant of this blog, and I am granting your request, Lee. In fact, we already have some up!

Noah Fett Out.