Friday, February 15, 2008

They're bonding!

After a rocky start, the bunnies' relationship is going really well. After the first week or so, Oreo started grooming Lanah sometimes when she demanded it. She stopped chasing him around, and stopped demanding to be groomed every five minutes (both of which behaviors were driving Oreo bonkers!). They started lying down next to each other of their own accord. Finally, we also glimpsed Lanah grooming Oreo. We started putting them in a cage together, first for a few hours at a time, then longer. Now, they are sharing a cage and doing very well. They snuggle, groom each other, and get along great. No more chasing or annoying.

It's very sweet to see them being friends, and we're glad Oreo is no longer lonely when we're out of the house or busy. When we went to Flagstaff, we loaded them up with lots of food, hay, treats, water, and new toys. They were fine.

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