Wednesday, October 20, 2004

I don't have a real job either, Mrs. Bush!

Teresa Heinz Kerry said that she doesn't think First Lady Laura Bush has had a "real job". Ouch! Later, she apologized, after supposedly being informed that Mrs. Bush had in fact worked as a teacher and librarian before marrying the future president in 1977. Still, Mrs. Kerry was certainly aware at the time she made her first comment that Mrs. Bush has been a homemaker and mother for 20+ years. This is, according to Mrs. Kerry, not a "real job".

So, Mrs. Bush, don't feel bad. I don't have a real job, either! Just frittering away my time keeping house, raising and homeschooling my son, serving nutritious meals to my family, reading aloud countless books, and talking in the various high-pitched voices of my son's ever-growing family of stuffed animals. Not one foundation or endowment to show for it. What a waste.

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