Hugh Hewitt asked bloggers to chime in on this question: Why vote for Bush and what's wrong with Kerry? To which I say, Where do I start?
To be fair, I knew I would vote for President Bush's reelection at the same time I decided to vote to elect him in the first place. Observing him during his first term in office has only reconfirmed that decision, and watching Sen. Kerry blah, blah, blah his way through the campaign has simply given me another reason to vote for Bush: he's not Kerry!
That George W. Bush shares my Christian theology is a primary reason that I support him, but it's not like voting for someone because he roots for the baseball team as I do. Everyone has a theology (what they believe about God), whether they know it or not, and our theology shapes our view of the world and everything that happens. President Bush believes that there is great evil in the world, and that the solution for evil is not more tax dollars or a new government educational program, with public service announcements on TV and sappy, overbearing afterschool specials to drive home the message. No, there is some evil which must be simply confronted, and if need be, destroyed. The innocent must be defended at all costs, and if the president of the United States isn't called upon to defend his people, then what is he supposed to do? All the infrastructure, social policy, and economic growth we can imagine can be gone in an instant if our enemies succeed in what they would dearly like to do. I believe George Bush understands this, and I do believe that John Kerry does not.
John Kerry thinks that summits will somehow solve everything. We will have a summit, invite everyone, and talk. I think he's been watching too much Dr. Phil. You can't work things out with a group that is bent on your destruction. I'm not saying that we should ignore the international community, or that the U.S. is always right and other countries always wrong, but I think Kerry goes too far in wanting to please other countries (especially Europe), so we can all "get along". Vote for Kerry if you'd like to see another dozen years of U.N. resolutions. As a parent, I know that you have to make sure your word means something, that if you threaten a consequence, you'd better follow through. President Bush does not equivocate; he means what he says, and does what he says he will do. Senator Kerry can't even bring himself to state a preference between the Stones and the Beatles, lest he offend a potential constituent group. In the same debate, he can miraculously appear to be on several sides of the same issue. How can he command allegiance from our allies, or respect from our enemies?
On other questions, too, Pres. Bush has demonstrated moral courage. He stands up for the unborn, the most defenseless among us. John Kerry waivers and flip-flops, claiming to oppose abortion but refusing to vote to ban the most brutal of procedures (partial-birth abortion).
Why vote for Bush, and what's wrong with Kerry? Don't get me started!
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
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1 comment:
Hey!! Found your blog on Hugh Hewitt's site. I have one on my own here, but I'm not too good at working it. Stop by :)
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